
( ● u ● )/) M o v i e s !

●。,, Hey you! Hey!
Annoying Mey Koko Ni Iru!! (?) Yeah, I know a little of Japanese, that's good, don't you think it? :c okno, I don't know If I say it correct or something like that.
Yeah, In the other post I write that I need to finish this TODAY. So I must be fast & furious :D HAHAHAH! (?)
Let's start :)

Who don't like Movies? Nobody!
Everybody likes it :D And I like too :3
I almost go to the movies a few times in a Month, with my family or friends.
I love horror movies, action movies, romantic movies and gore movies too.

One day, One of my close friends send me a movie online that I like and I hate at the same time :C the name of the movie is: "Martyrs"
OMG! That movie was INCREDIBLE, D: Now my brain don't want to erase every fragment of the movie, That day was horrible, but I can sleep very well :)
And then, I don't have anything to say.

( ● . ● )/) Annoying Mey's OUT.

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